S'Ard En El Mundo
Internationalisation of the cultural identity

S'Ard En El Mundo
The cultural identity internationalisation project.
S’Ard En el Mundo is the name of the cultural identity internationalisation project, promoted by
cultural association S’Ardmusic thanks to the funding of the IdentityLab call for grants of the
Regione Autonoma della Sardegna (Autonomous Region of Sardinia).
S’Ard’s recording activity began in 2004 and, since then, it has released 37 albums in which there
is clear evidence of a desire to explore musical genres that are contiguous and “contaminated” with
each other, while maintaining the same trait d’union: the valorisation of the musical expressions of
the Sardinian popular tradition, generally revised with modern key elements.
The experience of S’Ard has enabled, over the years, the approach to new markets through
specific and circumscribed actions, thanks also to the manifestation of unexpected and
coincidental phenomena that came to the surface in a particular way, after the consolidation of new
technologies and modern multimedia platforms dedicated to the enjoyment of musical contents.
The Spanish-speaking markets, with almost a billion people distributed between Spain and the
Americas, are those identified to spread the messages of Sardinian cultural identity.
For several decades now, thanks also to the exchange of information
between the greatest experts
of world and ethnic music, the Sardinian musical heritage has been universally recognised as one
of the richest and most interesting in the world. Such recognition goes beyond the professional and
experts’ categories, involving nowadays a much wider and amateur public as well, which is
evidenced by the participation, at the most renowned international festivals and events, of different
exponents of Sardinian musical expression, most of the time accompanied by the constant
attention of journalists and music critics of the Italian and international mass media.
With the S’Ard en el Mundo project, Association S’Ardmusic aims to reinforce the
internationalisation process of the cultural identity products, following all the indications available
today thanks to the new technologies and digital platforms that, through the monitoring of the
number of streams of some discographic products of the S’Ard catalogue, have enabled the
identification of consistent opportunities in the Spanish-speaking market.
Thanks to the S’Ard en el Mundo project, three products on identity culture have been produced,
consisting of a disc-book box set and available in a digital version with an accompanying video.