“Prolagus, songs to resist, not to die”, is a record that is a book and vice versa.
The two things are complementary.
The disc, with the artistic production of Michele Palmas and the arrangements by Silvano Lobina, is composed almost entirely of songs in the Sardinian language that speak of the passage of time, of the risk of getting lost or not grasping the meaning of life or of love. In the background a modern Sardinia, ancient, resistant but at the same time wounded, open to the world, capable of dialogue within and outside of itself. A world, the one that transpires from the book and from the record that is its origin, told with an ancient language that doesn’t want to go extinct and that arrives fresh and – paradoxically – modern – thanks to songs that reveal an author with an original style and a broad breath.
The book, entrusted to the pens of Fiorenzo Caterini, Ivo Murgia, Pier Franco Devias, Francesco Casula and Andrillo himself, consists of a series of essays, observations, stories, clarifications and anything else that, starting from the songs contained in the disc, unravel and lead the reader by the hand in a resistant Sardinia, open to the world and which refuses cultural and political approval.
Andrea Andrillo
Andrea Andrillo is a singer-songwriter who shares, collaborates, and sings as it was done in the old
days when the world, it is said, was happier and full of hope.